The relationships between competition and efficiency of waste-collection services in the Czech Republic. (Local Government Studies, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 275-296.)
The costs of municipal waste and separate collection. Efficient measures how to cut them down. (Proceeding of the 21st international conference Current trends in public sector research 2017, pp. 371 – 378)
The costs of municipal waste and separate collection. Efficient measures how to cut them down. (Proceeding of the 21st international conference Current trends in public sector research 2017, pp. 371 – 378)
Can demographic characteristics explain intermunicipal differences in production of municipal waste? (Proceeding of the 20th international conference Current trends in public sector research 2016, pp. 375 – 382.)
Methodology for analysing modifications of payments for watercourse and catchment area management to achieve better efficiency of surface water allocation (in Czech)
REYNAUD, Arnaud. Modelling Household Water Demand in EuREYNAUD, Arnaud. Modelling Household Water Demand in Europe – Insights from a Cross-Country Econometric Analysis of EU-28 countries. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the EU, 2015. Translation of chapters “Summary” and “Czech Republic”. (in Czech)
The handbook contains four case studies in the area of environmental education; each one involves an educational game aiming at broadening pupils’ knowledge in a fun form.
Consume with respect: Interactive modules for teaching topics of sustainable consumption and environmental protection (in Czech)