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Encouragement of biodegradable municipal waste recycling as a substitute of non-renewable resources and improvements of soil quality

Solution period: 02/01/2013 – 12/31/2014
Contract authority: Technology agency of the Czech Republic
Realizator: IREAS, Institute for structural policy
Registration number: TB010MZP061
Contact: Jan Slavík (slavik@ireas.cz)

Low levels of biowaste recovery in municipalities are not the consequence of absent state support, but the result of a poor institutional environment. The elimination of institutional barriers in legal standards, in municipal biowaste management and, for instance, in agriculture could be the way to increase the effectiveness of environmental regulation and, therefore, to reduce the amount of biowaste deposited in landfills.

The main aim of the project was to adjust and amend the applicable criteria for efficient, economical and effective use of biodegradable waste, and thus, simplify waste diversion from landfilling, in terms of fulfilling targets set by the EU legislation. Project solving was divided into four working units which should fulfill intermediate goals of the project: a. Evaluate institutions (formal, and informal) that form the motivation structure of subjects that treat with biodegradable municipal waste (he-reinafter only „BMW“). b. Propose efficient and environmentally effective regulatory instruments and evaluate their impact on subjects in the economy (consumers, muni-cipalities, facility operators). c. Establish methodological framework for municipalities to form compre-hensive (integrated) systems of BMW management.  d. Present the results among both experts and the general public.

Conclusions of the project:

The outputs include technical reports for the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, the results were published in scientific publications and presented at seminars and conferences. The project results were also used in “Justification for draft Decree no. 321/2014 Coll., setting the scope and method for separate collection of municipal waste”.


CHORAZY, Tomáš, ČURDA, Stanislav, SOBOTKA, Ladislav (2015). Nakládání s biologicky rozložitelnými komunálními odpady z pohledu institucionální analýzy. Odpadové fórum 1/2015.  (download pdf in czech) 

SOBOTKA, Ladislav, ČURDA, Stanislav, CHORAZY, Tomáš (2014). Ekonomika variant využití biologické složky komunálního odpadu v rámci odpadového hospodářství obcí. Odpady 11/2014. (online article in czech)

SLAVÍK, Jan, RYBOVÁ, Kristýna (2016). Institutionelle Analyse des Bioabfallmanagements in der Tschechischen Republik. Müll und Abfall. 4. (online article in german)

​SLAVÍK, Jan a kol. (2015). Institucionální a ekonomická analýza využití bioodpadu v obcích. Praha: IREAS, 1. vyd., ISBN: 978-80-86684-97-0.  (download pdf in czech)

Research team: Jan Slavík, Stanislav Čurda, Tomáš Chorazy, Kristýna Rybová, Marta Osersová, Jitka Šeflová, Ladislav Sobotka, Tomáš Smejkal, Marie Křístková, Martin Pělucha, Viktor Květoň.