We work on a project and innovation base. We put together the best experts from universities, research organisations and the public and private spheres.

Jan is an expert on waste management economics, but he has also engaged in long-term evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of environmental policy instruments. Within his research and consulting activities, he cooperates with leading experts in the Czech Republic and abroad (predominantly in Germany and Austria), but his natural cooperating partners also include municipalities in the Czech Republic.

Jiří likes nature and economics, which is why he devotes himself to the concept of ecosystem services, which connects both these areas. He deals with the use of this concept in the area of improving urban life, forestry and landscape management. Among other things, he examines the use of payments for ecosystem services as innovative market policy instruments in the field of environmental policy (in the form of both proposals and implementation). Among his project activities he also deals with energy industry. He has been on the IREAS team since 2006.

Jan focuses on green and blue infrastructure in both cities and landscapes, ecosystem services, water industry and regulatory impact assessments. At the IREAS, he is a leading expert on the application of economic and analytical methods (cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, disproportionality analysis, etc.). You may know him from Czech TV, where he comments on environmental topics from time to time.

Kristýna is a passionate demographer. She applies her expertise in the field of waste management, transport and interconnection of labour markets. In addition to basic analysis she also applies institutional analysis in these areas. She is involved in the planning of the high-speed railway line Praha-Ústí-Drážďany in cooperation with German project partners.

Martin is involved in the field of evaluation and assessment of public spending programmes. He also enjoys research projects focused on integrated approaches to decision-making at both regional and local levels and social innovation in relation to regional development. He is not afraid of involvement in projects dealing with systems of payments for ecosystem services. He has been operating in IREAS since 2009 and has successfully solved a number of commercial and research projects.

Honza’s passion is the application of advanced statistical and econometric methods in the environmental field. He examines national impacts, designs and evaluates choice experiments, and works with Bayesian networks. Besides his analytical skills, he is also an expert on energy industry. He is not afraid of challenges!

Lenka has long been involved in adapting cities to climate change, using nature-friendly measures in urban environments and in agriculture, and now focuses professionally on provision of forest ecosystem services. You can turn to her if you are interested, for example, in the application of forestry fees.

Marek focuses on regulatory impact assessment of new environmental legislation and on the concept of ecosystem services. He also evaluates proportionality of measures in the field of water management. He is involved in projects that evaluate green and blue infrastructure in cities both and the landscape, including green roofs, community gardens and nature-based flood-protection solutions.

Lenka focuses primarily on environmental economics in the field of agriculture, renewable energy sources and environmental impacts of their use. She focuses on local impact assessments. She has also long been involved in organization of Winter and Summer Schools on Energy Systems in the Czech Republic and Austria. For students: Do not hesitate to contact Lenka if you would like to attend the School!

Jitka is not only a specialist in environmental economics (she has been intensely devoted to waste management for several years), but also a pathfinder in the field of education. She is interested in everything that relates to both environmental protection and education of children and adults. She often interconnects the areas of environment and education and is capable of creating not only specialized materials but also appropriate methods to pass on the knowledge. Her outcomes have been applied by businesses, municipalities, schools, etc.

Bc. Štěpánka Truhlářová
Štěpánka works as an assistant in projects focused on environmental policy development. She studies economics and public sector management at the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, which allows her to combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience. She is mainly involved in projects investigating people’s attitudes towards responsible environmental behaviour.

Ing. Jakub Mlejnek
Jakub focuses on research into production and non-production functions of forests. He is also involved in projects that evaluate blue and green infrastructure in cities and evaluate landscape and ecosystem services from an economic point of view. In addition to working at IREAS, he also participates in international programmes such as Erasmus+ (Jakub studied in Sweden for a year).

Ing. Eliška Mičová

doc. Ing. Ondřej Vojáček, Ph.D.
Ondřej specializes in regulatory negotiations, transposition and economic assessment of European regulations, especially in the field of energy policy (emission limits, energy efficiency). Ondřej also deals with the wider context of environmental protection. His strength is in the area of negotiation, in which he continues to develop. Many of his outcomes have led to adjustments to the national negotiating position at the EU level and consequently had a response in the way the directives are transposed into national legislation.

Ing. Michaela Hanzlová
Michaela is concerned with landscape engineering. She is involved in projects dealing with water retention in landscape, green and blue infrastructure as well as projects focused on educating primary school pupils in water management and water saving. She has gained her experience in Austria, Switzerland and Cameroon, among other places.