IREAS helps to prepare conditions for the implementation of the Czech OP Fisheries 2021-2027

In the first half of this year, IREAS is implementing two important contracts for the Czech Ministry of Agriculture, specifically for the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme Fisheries. Both contracts concern the currently crucial issues of setting eligible expenditure, their evaluation in the context of the market situation and setting financial limits. While the […]

Financial limits of the OP Fisheries 2021-2027

The subject of the contract is the revision of the existing financial limits/sub-limits, the addition of financial limits/sub-limits and the extension of the code list with new items where appropriate. All the sub-performances concern the eligible expenditure dials and financial limits for eligible expenditure for activities 2.1.1 Innovation, 2.1.2 Investment in aquaculture and 2.2.2 Processing […]

Financial limits of the OP Fisheries 2021-2027

The subject of the contract is the revision of the existing financial limits/sub-limits, the addition of financial limits/sub-limits and the extension of the code list with new items where appropriate. All the sub-performances concern the eligible expenditure dials and financial limits for eligible expenditure for activities 2.1.1 Innovation, 2.1.2 Investment in aquaculture and 2.2.2 Processing […]

Mainstreaming of climate change mitigation and adaptation in European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund Programmes 2021-2027 Lot 1

In the newly prepared programming period 2021 – 2027, the so-called cross-cutting areas were proposed within the framework of strengthening synergies between individual thematic areas, through which a comprehensive approach in financing from the EU structural funds should be achieved. These are (1) adaptation to climate change, (2) society 4.0 and (3) the territorial dimension. […]

Interim evaluation of the Applied Research Program of the Ministry of Agriculture for the period 2017 – 2025, the Earth, and the Concept of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Agriculture for the years 2016 – 2022

The project focused on the ongoing evaluation of the current implementation of the Applied Research Program of the Ministry of Agriculture for the period 2017 – 2025, Earth and the evaluation of the Research, Development and Innovation Conception of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2016-2020.  The evaluation was based on a combination of quantitative and […]

Methodology for evaluation of benefits resulting from projects financed via the Operational programme environment 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 in relationship with goals set by The Czech Waste Management Plan

In the Czech Republic, projects focused on waste management from the EU structural funds have been and are being supported. Specifically, it was the Operational Program Environment in the programming periods 2007 – 2013 and 2014 – 2020. At the same time, the Czech Republic compiled its own national Waste Management Plans of the Czech […]

The ongoing evaluation of the Operational Programme Fisheries (up to the 31 December 2018) and the analysis of the introduction of financial instruments

Fishermen in the Czech Republic are supported by the EU to create conditions for long-term maintenance of fish production. The evaluation project therefore focuses on evaluating the ongoing results of OP Fisheries. Part of the project is a specific analysis of the applicability of loan instruments in this sector. The objective of the ongoing evaluation […]

Financial limits of OP Fishery 2014–2020

This project focused on the creation of a proposal to ensure economy within the framework of the OP Fisheries Project 2014-2020 with regard to the legislation and a uniform methodological environment for the implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds. The purpose of this project was to ensure economy of selected measures/projects subsidized from […]

Ex-post evaluation of the Czech Rural Development Programme 2007–2013

The countryside in the Czech Republic is supported within the framework of the EU rural development policy. This project aimed at retrospectively evaluating the impacts of the programme on the agricultural sector and on improving quality of life in the countryside. The project aimed at an ex-post evaluation of the implementation of the Czech Rural […]

Analysis of utilization of funds in the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness with respect to applicant size: A proposal for optimization based on cost effectiveness and thematic goals.

How to make resource allocation of grants more efficient while also improving the business sector’s energy efficiency? According to the results, the reduction in the share of grants allocated to large enterprises to a maximum of 30% of the total OPPIK allocation is counterproductive. The main goal of this study was to conduct an impact […]

Evaluation of the impacts of the area of support 1.1 of the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment applying qualitative methods

The evaluation of training support in firms can be assessed both by sophisticated statistical methods and qualitative methods. This project has already developed the statistical analysis by qualitative comparative analysis and evaluated an impact of the ESF training support for firms in the period 2007-2013. The principal objective of this evaluation was to evaluate the […]

Most Significant Change Evaluation – Children and Pupils with Special Needs

The goal of this project was to analyze and evaluate impacts of projects aimed at inclusion of children with special educational needs in schools and financed by the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness. A new evaluation method, called the Most Significant Change, was tested during this project. The method is based on identification of the […]

Comparison of implementation of the public administration-NGO partnership principle in the programming period 2007–2013 and in the programming period 2014–2020

The purpose of this commission is to provide findings that may help set an optimum relationship between public administration and NGOs to implement the partnership principle, including support measures that may eliminate disproportions between the two cooperating parties. The partnership between public administration and representatives of non-governmental non-profit organizations (NGOs) in programming and utilization of […]

Evaluation of the social and inclusive entrepreneurship support in the Operational programme of Human resources and employment

Social entrepreneurship represents a modern phenomenon in the field of entrepreneurship and support to labour market participation of disadvantaged people. This topic is also supported in the Czech Republic by the EU, and therefore this evaluation project focused on a comprehensive evaluation of the experience gained with this support. The project focused on the evaluation […]

Ongoing evaluation of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation

In the period 2007-2013, the Czech Republic had an unprecedented opportunity to build a modern research infrastructure. The IREAS team evaluated the ongoing results and effects brought by these new centres. The aim of the project was to conduct ongoing evaluation of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation (OP RDI) in defined areas […]

Analysis of the current state and prognosis of the Czech Republic´s aquaculture development in the period 2014–2020 in the context of the EU´s Common Fisheries Policy with the vision till 2024

The aquaculture sector in the Czech Republic is supported by the EU. To define the support to specific activities, it is necessary to have a well-planned strategy for what is to be achieved within a defined time horizon. Therefore, the project focused on an analysis and a basis for this strategy. The project focused on […]

Assessment of the implementation of monitoring indicators in the Operational programme Human resources and employment by the evaluation

EU financially supports many projects in the Czech Republic, among others also those supported through the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment. Logically, the EU is interested in results of its support. Usually, monitoring indicators are collected by the projects and programmes, but not all indicators are reported and collected continuously. Our project Assessment of […]

Economic assessment of measures to improve air quality in the Moravian-Silesian Region as a part of the commission “Increasing PO2 absorption capacity – an analysis of national and regional policies”

How can we improve the air quality in the Moravian-Silesian Region? Based on this analysis, the costs of different measures vary significantly. It is advisable to implement measures at local heating sources! The objective of the economic part of the project (carried out by IREAS) was an economic assessment of various options for improving the […]

Economic effects of Czech-Polish cross-border cooperation on SMEs

What are the main opportunities and barriers to Czech-Polish (cross-border) business cooperation? Do European funds help develop this cooperation? In this project, we examined the practical aspects of the development of the Czech-Polish business environment. The objective of the project is to identify significant economic aspects of Czech-Polish cross-border cooperation for small and medium enterprises […]